MPC Film present animating The Lion King
Making-of | Introduction | Intermediate | Expert
animago AWARD & CONFERENCE 2019
In this presentation MPC Film Animation Lead El Suliman will reveal how he and MPC’s team of animators worked with Animation Supervisor Andy Jones to bring the animals of Disney’s The Lion King to life.
As the sole provider of visual effects and animation, the MPC team was led by: MPC VFX supervisors Adam Valdez and Elliot Newman, whom worked closely with Directo Jon Favreau, VFX Supervisor Rob Legato and Animation Supervisor Andy Jones, crafting every photo-real frame of the movie.
Informationen zum Referenten:
El Suliman
AnimatorMPC, England
With more than 10 years animating characters for major feature films El Suliman has worked on some of the most memorable characters of recent years.